Hollyhock - Fiesta Time
Hollyhock - Fiesta Time
This vibrant variety produces relatively short spikes of double, cerise pink, fringed blossoms beginning in midsummer. This is a first year flowering perennial. The shorter height of 'Fiesta Time' makes it more suitable to smaller gardens and containers than its taller cousins. Feel free to grow hollyhocks under Black Walnut trees; they are tolerant of the toxic juglone that is emitted through the trees' roots. 36"h.
20 seeds
When to plant
Sow seeds indoors 6–8 weeks before the last frost, or directly outdoors about a week before the last frost.
Where to plant
Hollyhocks can be grown in containers or directly in the garden. If starting indoors, use tall, individual pots to avoid damaging the long taproots.
How to plant
Sow seeds ¼ inch deep and about 1-2 feet apart. Hollyhock seeds require light to germinate.
Use a good quality seed-raising mix or soil starter pellets. Keep the soil moist but not wet or dry.
Seeds should germinate in 10–14 days at a soil temperature of 65-75°C.
Transplant seedlings to the garden once they have their first true leaves and are large enough to handle. Before planting in the garden, harden off the seedlings by moving them to a sheltered place outside for a week.
Water regularly and keep the soil moist.
Provide plenty of light on a sunny windowsill or grow seedlings under fluorescent plant lights. Once established outdoors, hollyhocks will tolerate full to partial sun.